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Current Events

Take Action Now: Contact Your US House of Representatives and Senators to Defend American Democracy!


Please contact your representatives in the US House of Representatives and your US Senators today!

The Trump Administration's continued assault on American Democracy is a "flood the zone" strategy to render us overwhelmed and helpless.  Do not fall into that trap.  Your voice, our collective voice, is our most powerful tool in fighting the attempt to topple our government.  Call your Representative today and insist that they represent YOUR voice in their votes.  Suggested scripts:

Representative Huizenga or Wahlberg:  

"As your constituent in [XX municipality], I urge you to stand firm in protecting our democratic institutions and resisting any efforts that undermine the checks and balances fundamental to our government. The people of Michigan expect you to uphold your duty to provide an essential check on executive overreach.

I ask that you oppose any authoritarian power grabs and ensure that Congress remains a strong, independent branch of government. We need you in Washington to represent Michigan’s interests, including defending our democracy and preventing any erosion of constitutional principles.

Please stand with your constituents and uphold the rule of law. I look forward to your response on how you plan to take action.


[Your Name]

[Your Address] (if required)

[Your Email] (if needed) 

Senators Peters AND Slotkin:  

"As your constituent in [XX municipality], I urge you to take a stand in protecting our democracy by holding the Trump Administration accountable. This includes using your vote to stop irresponsible and unqualified cabinet appointments that threaten our nation’s stability and security.

Every reckless appointment weakens our country. We need leaders in Washington who will put the American people first—not rubber-stamp dangerous nominations. I ask that you firmly reject any unqualified or extremist cabinet picks.

Additionally, I call on you to use your position in the Senate to block any attempts at authoritarian overreach. Our system of checks and balances exists for a reason, and right now, our democracy depends on leaders like you to uphold it.

Please take action to protect our country. I look forward to your response on how you intend to stand against these threats."


[Your Name]

[Your Address] (if required)

[Your Email] (if needed)

United States Capitol 

Switchboard:                   202-224-3121


Elissa Slotkin (D):  202-224-4822

Gary Peters (D):              202-224-6221

U.S. Representatives:

MI 4th: Bill Huizenga (R)

Washington, D.C.:           202-225-4401

Holland, MI:                    616-251-6741

MI 5th: Tim Walberg (R)

Washington, D.C.:           202-225-6276

Niles, MI:                        269-479-3115


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Berrien County Democratic Party

2517 Niles Avenue

Saint Joseph, MI 49085

Phone: (269) 588-3300 

Monday  10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Wednesday 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Friday  10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Office Hours:

*Paid for by the Berrien County Democratic Party 2517 Niles Ave, St. Joseph, MI 49085

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